Holistic Bodywork
Megan Brownlee R.N., B.S.N.

Families Babies Children Teens Adults

My Holistic Practice
My practice is non-invasive and non-chemical. I work from a heart-centered and non-judgmental place. There is a lot of laughter in my office. I cherish family, nature, friends and clients of all ages.
Touch is important to humans. And with touch comes informed consent and communication. Consequently, I ask permission to touch no matter the patient’s age. Sharing is expected and encouraged.
I have learned much from my body, family, clients and friends. I have studied with and continue to study with Chris Jorgenson, Devi Nambudripad, Nancy Lankston, Nancy Evans, Boyd Schwartz, Mathilda van Dyk, Chris Beardall, D.C., Adam Lehman, Susan McCrossin, Charles Krebs, Lee Veal, Benjamin Shield, the Milne Institute (Hugh Milne, David Kaminker, Steve Schumacher), Regina Callahan, Carol Gray The Gillespie Approach and the late David Beaulieu, D.C.and the late Carla Muth.
“Hands are magical things: eyes for those who cannot see, ears for those who cannot hear….. Hands are magical things-”
Keri Hulme The Bone People

"The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched; they must be felt with the heart".
-Helen Keller

8016 State Line Rd Suite 202
Leawood, KS 66208

Get in Touch

Ask your hands to know the things they hold
I know, the days are reeling past in such squealing blasts
But stop for breath and you will know it's yours
Swaying like an open door when storms are coming...
So hold your own
Breathe deep on a freezing beach
Taste the salt of friendship
Notice the smile of a stranger
Hold your own
And let it be
-Kae Tempest

I enjoy working with my hands both in my practice and outside of my practice. And, I work with client's hands often in a session. Hands are fascinating.
Most of us have watched a baby find its own hand for the first time. It is entirely mesmerized by the experience: is it the dexterity, the way the hand can be controlled? The hand is an extension of our heart. How often in a day do we reach out to touch an object? A person?