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Megan Brownlee R.N., B.S.N.


At the age of two I developed asthma and allergies.  This necessitated countless hospitalizations, trips to the emergency room and high doses of steroids, adrenaline and antibiotics.  My asthma was so severe that I became a patient at a residential asthma center in Denver while my family continued to live in Kansas City. I continued to suffer from hayfever, sinusitis, bronchitis and asthma as a teen.


Traditional allergy approaches were not effective.  A friend told me about NAET.  After completing NAET treatments, I no longer required oral medications or steroids, antibiotics and antihistamines. I also benefited from attunement, cranial sacral and acupuncture work. I incorporate some of these techniques into my holistic practice. 


I continue to treat my lungs and body gently by utilizing both Eastern and Western medicine. I continue to study with practitioners both locally and nationally. More information about my teachers is available on the services page.


I have over 35 years of professional nursing experience including five years of maternal child nursing at St. Luke's Hospital. I enjoy birdwatching, gardening, swimming, travel and spending time with my family when I’m not working.

So, whatever your hands may find to do you, you must go out and do it with all your heart...

there's a healing touch to find you

On that broad highway somewhere….

In time we will move mountains

And it will come through your hands.

-John Hiatt


Village Healing

Megan Brownlee R.N.,B.S.N

8016 State Line Rd Ste 202

Leawood, KS 66208

80th and State Line Rd

Across the Street from QuikTrip

Located in the State Line Executive Office Park

P. 816-560-7697


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